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護理學基礎雙語教學-雙語教程:4 hand wash

護理學基礎雙語教學雙語教程:4 hand wash:Unit4HandwashingObjectives:Todeliverpatientcarewithpathogen-freehandsTopreventpathogenicmicroorganismsfromspreadingfrompatienttopatientToprotectpatientfromcross-contaminationToprotec

Unit4   Handwashing



To deliverpatient care with pathogen-free hands

To prevent pathogenicmicroorganisms from spreading from patient to patient

Toprotect patient from cross-contamination

Toprotect the nurse

The situations a nurse has to wash hands:  

1.Before entering orleaving a ward

2.Before contacting theclean articles or after contacting the dirty articles

3.Before or after goingto toilet

4.Before or after anasepsis practice

5.Before donning asepsisgloves or after removing the used gloves

6.Before giving atreatment to a special patient who was infected easily

7.Before or aftercontacting the wound of patients



   Running water 


Tra國家醫(yī)學考試網(wǎng)sh can



1. Standin front of but away from sink. Rationale: Uniform should not touch sink to avoidcontamination.

2.Make sure there are towelsin the container.

3.Turn on water using foodpedal or long arm faucet with elbow.

4.Wethands under running water. Rationale: Wet hands facilitate distribution of soapover entire skin surface.

5.Placeliquid soap on hands. Soap should come from a dispenser, not bar soap.Rationale: This prevents spread of microorganisms.

6.Start to Wash hands (Sequence: each finger, thenbetween fingers, then palm and back of hand, ) wash your hands for at least 30seconds. During washing rub vigorously, using a firm, circular motion. And keepyour fingers pointed down, lower than wrists. .

7. Rinse your hands under running water, keepingfingers pointed downward. Rationale: This position prevents contamination ofarms.

 Resoap your hands, 衛(wèi)生資格考試網(wǎng)rewash, and rerinse if heavily contaminated.

8.Dry yourhands thoroughly with a towel or paper towel, while keeping hands positionedwith fingers pointing up. Rationale: Moist hands tend to gather morn microorganisms from the environment.

9.Turn off water faucetwith used towel or dry paper towel, if not using foot pedal.


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