本文所談的僅僅是原創(chuàng)性論文文題寫作時的一些基本原則和方法在文題的寫作中還有很多細節(jié)問題如對縮寫和專業(yè)術語的要求、對running title、副標題的要求以及有關語序的安排、詞語的選擇等語法上的問題希望能有機會再談。另外正如Zeiger教授所說論文的寫作方法沒有絕對嚴格的標準只有較好和不好之分也就是說其他形式的文題有時也能很好地表述論文的內(nèi)涵——由于論文題材和內(nèi)容的多樣性這是完全有可能的。所以讀者應
當在認識文題的重要性、掌握文題基本要求的前提下在工作和學習中認真揣摸和比較各種文題加以整理、參考和學習。并且在投稿前還應詳細閱讀所投雜志的“投稿須知”了解該雜志對文題的字數(shù)、副標題、結論性文題、問題式文題、running title等方面有無特殊的要求。
(1) Inhibitive effects of glucose and free fatty acids on proliferation of human vascular endothelialcells in vitro這是一個很標準的結論性文題其中human可以省略。
(2) Clinical efficacy of albendazole emulsion in treatment of 212 cases of liver cystic hydatidosis屬于Effect of Y on X in Z格式。
(3) Effect of delivery mode on the interruption of maternal-infant transmission of hepatitis B virus by immunoprophylaxis在文題中注明研究方法的例子。
(4) Percutaneous estrogen in prevention of early post menopausal bone loss in Chinese women改為Effect and optimal dosage of percutaneous estrogen in prevention of early post menopausal bone loss in Chinese women更準確。
(5) Efficacy and safety of therapeutic angiogenesis from direct myocardial administration of an adadenoviral vector expressing vascular endothelial growth factor 165改為Efficacy and safety of an adadenoviral vector expressing vascular endothelial growth factor 165 on angiogenesis by myocardial injection in swine.“Injection”比“administration”更準確刪除direct并不影響對文題的理解應當注明實驗動物否則會讓人誤以為是臨床實驗。
(6) Nuclear factor κB in signal conduction of protein kinase C in T lymphocytes from asthmatic guinea pig model.在文題前加Role of 更準確些醫(yī).學全.在.線網(wǎng)站m.bhskgw.cn。
(7) Renal cell carcinoma related novel gene GYLZ-RCC18: GYLZ-RCC18: cloning and functional studies改為Cloning and functions of Renal cell carcinoma related novel gene GYLZ-RCC18:GYLZ-RCC18 from patients. Cloning and functions是中心詞所以要前置;因患者屬于特殊人群所以應注明。