Significant Points of the Sanjiao Channel of Hand-Shaoyang
支溝(三焦經(jīng)6) Zhigou(SJ6).
穴義 支,通“肢”;溝,溝渠。
Zhi, limbs; gou, ditch.
定位 腕背橫紋上3寸,橈骨與尺骨之間。
Location 3 cun above the transverse dorsal crease of the wrist, between the ulna and radius.
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Indication pain in the hypocondriac region, shoulder & arm, constipation, deafness, tinnitus.
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針法 直刺0.8-1.2寸
Method perpendicularly 0.8-1.2 cun
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備考 經(jīng)穴
Remarks Jing-River Point |