Pinyin Mandarin Name
Xuan Fu Hua
Common English Name
Part of Plant Used
Slightly warm
Bitter, acrid
Meridians Entered
Lungs, Liver, Stomach, Spleen
Common Usages
This herb is used in formulas to treat symptoms of vomiting and belching, coughing and wheezing with large amounts of phlegm, or asthmatic bronchitis with large amounts of phlegm. (TCM: to treat "rebellious" Lung, Spleen, or Stomach functions, where these Organ functions are not operating in "normal" fashion). 醫(yī).學.全.在.線網站
Traditional Usages and Functions
Redirects Qi downward and expels phlegm; stops vomiting and calms rebellion; provides mildly warming action.
Common Formulas Used In
Bupleurum, Inula, and Cyperus.
Processing Required
Cautions in Use
Do not use this herb where there is deficiency, or a cough that is due to wind and heat.